Friday, August 03, 2007

Focus, focus and focus

I get distracted. This is because when I begin something I have to finish it. This is insane, especially when a project I am working on should take about 2 years. You cannot put everything else on hold for two years!

That's why I developed the strategy of using a timetable, just like the one from university (or school or college), to map out my day - week - month. Except I fell through the cracks, because my Academic Diary didn't begin until August, and the previous one finished at the end of June, so for the entire month of July I have been rudderless, pouncing on things and trying to finish them within stupid time-frames.

I managed to bring on a migraine the other day by trying to draw one month's worth of cartoons in a single night, whilst watching the entire season 1 of Weeds, with one earphone plugged in and the other ear free to guard the house. Now there's manic for you.

So I'm back with some kind of purpose. I have to finish, but not in one evening, 'Sunshine on Leith' (I shall have a word with The Proclaimers and make sure they don't mind) a graphic novel about sectarianism in my home City of Edinburgh, during the 1960s.

Of course I have all the other things detailed on this blog to bring up to date, and I have to 'finish' the artwork on Eddie and the Banshee, to fit in the wonderful photographs of Dublin that my cartoonist chum from Sweden, Hakan Mattson, took for me on his trip to The Emerald Isle.

Hopefully this will all come up to speed soon, as I'm itching to get onto my next project, which will be set in Glasgow, and centre around my Dad's Uncle, Bill Jackson (I think at one point Jacobson), who was a Homeopath and lived in a large (haunted) house in Pollockshields. It was tremendously exciting taking the train ride from Edinburgh to the house that he and my Great Aunt Bessie shared with their very highly strung Siamese cats.


  1. Time management is an overlooked part of cartoony success. Whenever I'm not sure what projects I should be doing, I ask, "What can I do to make money today?" It clears the mind.

    My Word Verification for this post: wcmsqyrx

  2. Hi Mike,

    I was very lax in the past. The books keep me focused, it's not quite 'first pants, then shoes', but it comes pretty close.
