Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Death Note 3: L: Change the World

This post will also form part of the Death Note article (it's late, I know) that I'll post on Imanga. It helps illustrate how enormous the Death Note phenomenon has become, since it's beginnings, not so very long ago, as a one-shot.

For those of you who are still reading the Death Note manga, or watching the anime and for those of you who haven't yet seen the live-action movies Death Note 1, and Death Note 2, The Last Name, don't worry, I'm not going to post any spoilers here, I'm just letting you know that Death Note 3, L: Change the World, was recently screened in Japan, and at the begining of February Shonen Jump Weekly #11 published a special new Death Note one-shot and supplement.

A couple of teasers for the new movie are already posted on Youtube:

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