Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hope to be Back Soon

Rod is ill at the moment. He has been quite unwell since 1st January. The doctor has been in and out and is carrying out tests. We will hopefully know what is wrong with him within the next few weeks.

He sends his love and best wishes to you all for 2009 and apologizes for not being around much. He hopes to be back to work soon as possible.

Best Wishes,

Liz (Mrs Rod).


  1. Liz, please tell Rod to get well soon. We miss him out here in cyber-land.

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Hello Liz - I wondered where Rod was and am sorry to hear he is unwell. Pleas wish him well from me and I hope to read his lively views again soon.


  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Much as it's nice to see words from Mrs Rod for a change (hello, Liz!), I hope the old man isn't out of action for too long.

    Get well soon, Rod!

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Get well soon Rod.

  5. Get well soon, Rod. It's too quiet on the forums with you!

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hoping you get well soon, Rod - the forum is definitely not the same without your input.

  7. Hi Liz,

    Steve Willis just mentioned to me in an e-mail that Rod was ill. Please give him my best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery.

  8. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Get well soon Rod.
    We are missing you on the Forums!

  9. Very sorry to hear that; thanks for taking the time to let us know.

    Please let Rod know that the Internet is growing impatient with his slacking off.

  10. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Rod.



  11. I have passed on all your good wishes everyone. It really cheered the patient up. Thank you for taking the time.


  12. Stopping back in to see how Rod is doing. Hope Liz is treating you right, Buddy! Greetings from frozen New Hampshire!

  13. Get well soon Rod.
    I'll pop something in the post to cheer you up.

  14. Oh, please get well . We miss you . I miss you.

  15. Anonymous9:26 AM

    To Rod:

    Get well soon, please.

    I miss your opinions!

    Hello Liz, too.

  16. Here's hoping the new month brings a return to top form.

  17. Sending lots of smiles your way. Hope you feel better!

  18. Hi Rod, Just stopping by to see how you are. I hope Liz is buying you plenty of comic books to read. Just the usual here: trying to make money from drawing, outside is cold & snow, etc. Going back to NYC in a couple days to see some cartoonists.

    Hope you feel better soon. You are missed!

  19. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Hi Liz - I just took a look at the blog to see where Rod was. I'm really sorry he's not well and I hope he gets better soon. Best wishes to you both, and I hope to see him on the forums again soon. Cheers, Bren

  20. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm progressing well and I'm on 5 minute walks out in the real world now, that will gradually increase to 10 and then, well, you get the picture.

    Thank you for taking the time you lot; it is very much appreciated.

