Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Once More into the...and all that.

Hi, things are going well, so I'm going to start dipping my toes into the blogging-pond again - on a weekly basis at first.

Before I became ill I was working on some posts that focused on all the things that were going wrong in the world of cartooning; and all the new possibilities that were opening up thanks to new technology. I think we'll give those posts a swerve and focus only on the new openings.

I was also working on some new manga pieces, and I think those will be a good place to start. Some manga fans have spoken of a feeling of gloom because the major manga titles have stopped, that is to say, they have finished their runs in the West - in truth a lot of them finished their run in Japan years ago. It will be nice to put Monster, and Death Note, and the like behind us and look at some of the newer titles, and some of the odder ones out there. I'm looking forward to it.

Be seeing you.


  1. Looking forward to the future in general and your future posts as well, Rod.

    Gee whiz, I finally bought MONSTER last week.

  2. Hey Mike, great to hear from you.

    Maybe we'll never see manga as good as Monster again - then again maybe a western cartoonist will come up with something on a par with it. It's all possibilities.

    I'm thinking of something nice to send you - it'll come to me.
