Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

Yaay! Happy New Year. I resolve to be less autistic this year.

Also, touch wood (touches head) I resolve to make more blog-posts in 2010. I'm looking forward to it, as I have what I think is some pretty exciting subject atter. For instance, I'm planning to do a piece on Berlinoir (great title), a series published in French and German, and set in a parallel universe where Berlin is ruled by fascist vampires, by Tobias E. Meissner and Richard Kleist:

Also, I think a revisit with Billy Bat is in order. This seems to be one for Noaki Urasawa fans only as the project has met with nowhere near as much enthusiasm as his earlier works:

I'd like to take another look at Soil, as well. Soil is one of my favourites and I'm looking forward to see how it is developing. We are up to volume 5 or 6, so there is plenty to enjoy:

We will also take a look at some new manga. There are some marvelous new publications out there, and a lot of them need to be brought to the attention of western publishers so that we can get them over here. Tabata Yoshiaki and Yugo Yuuki's Wolf Guy, Ookami no Monshou , suggested for mature readers, is just the kind of hokum I love, and I know you'll enjoy it too:

I know I'm excited. I hope you are. Let's just hope all that enthusiasm doesn't wain by January 12. Hahahaha :)


  1. Looking forward to your posts,Rod. Berlinoir sounds interesting (mostly because: how do they keep from beating you over the head with the fascists=vampires metaphor?) and Billy Bat continues to look intriguing. I still have to get started on 20th Century Boys ...

  2. Hey Brian, thank you very much. Happy New Year.

    Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how the Berlinoir guys avoid the cliche. I've looked at a view volumes with the once over, rather than a detailed read. Of course it looks great, but as you say it might be difficult to keep the metaphor going without being obvious.

    The scope of 20th C Boys is immense. I've seen two of the 20th Century Boys movies and of course they let the books down a bit, but on their own they are great fun.

    Billy Bat just isn't getting the readers fired-up; but as usual it is multi-layered and well written and drawn. One for Urasawa fans like us only maybe...
